Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Viagra Effect Hits Brazilian Social Security System

A recent article highlights the Unintended Consequence (or Consequences) of Viagra on the Social Security System and pensions down in Brazil.

You can read the entire story from the AFP Newswire HERE.

Apparently, with the average life expectancy of women generally acknowledged to be longer than that of men, the combination of dirty old men and Viagra - probably coupled with greedy gold diggers who want to rise out of poverty in Brazil - has pushed the pension cycle from 15 years for widows to well over 35 years for those surviving younger widows. These horny older guys are marrying much younger wives in their 20's and 30's and when they kick the bucket, their pensions naturally go to their "wives." Of course, that also means that they're then able to collect their own pensions by that time. A whole new form of social welfare: Marry an old guy for his pension when he dies and collect it until you're ready to collect yours.